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Exams & X-Rays Dentist Auckland

Exams & X-Rays

Keith Nelson Dentists Ponsonby Dental Exams & X-Rays

At Keith Nelson dental routine dental exams and x-rays are necessary to identify potential dental and medical problems that might be completely hidden from the naked eye. We believe that the health of your mouth and your teeth have a greater effect on the overall health of your body. Even some problems such as gum disease and tooth decay might go unnoticed. Untreated dental problems can lead to much more serious issues such as bone loss, strokes, heart disease, infection, and many others. We offer our patients the very best in diagnostic dental equipment with the latest digital technology We highly recommend regular check-ups to ensure the health of your teeth and mouth contribute to your overall health and wellbeing.

Tooth Decay

The progression of cavities and its influence on health. It is known that bacteria produce acids on the tooth surface until they reach the pulp and the blood stream. At this point bacteria can disseminate through the whole body. Tooth decay is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that demineralize the hard tissues of the tooth.

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are used in teeth which have been damaged by tooth decay to repair and prevent bacteria from entering the tooth further, and effectively protecting the tooth from any further damage. Unfortunately, many people require a filling in a tooth at one time or another.

Your Dentist may decide that you need to have a tooth cavity filled during your general dental examination. Sometimes you may have been experiencing symptoms such as sensitivity or even pain in the tooth when you eat or drink something hot or cold, but it’s also possible that you haven’t noticed any symptoms at all.

We will apply a local anaesthetic to the teeth, gums and surrounding skin area to keep you comfortable and ensure the filling process is painless. It’s normal to be worried about pain, and if you are feeling particularly nervous we can offer nitrous oxide sedation (Laughing gas).

The Filling Process

Once you are ready for us to begin, our Dentist will remove all of the tooth decay and then give the entire area a thorough clean. The cavity is then ready to be filled with composite resin in a natural tooth colour.

Your mouth is likely to stay numb for a couple of hours following your appointment, so for your safety and comfort eating is not recommended until the numbness has worn off. Otherwise there are no special after-care measures you need to take after a tooth filling, so you can carry on as normal. Sometimes a tooth will be sensitive for a few weeks after a filling is done. Especially to hot and cold. This will settle over time.

In many cases regular dental examination with your dentist and Dental Hygiene appointment can help to prevent the first signs of tooth decay from becoming major dental issues, so regular check-ups are essential.

Types of Dental Fillings

Although silver amalgam fillings are still widely used we tend to restore cavities with either composite (White) filling materials or porcelain. The white filling material allows for a natural look that maintains the aesthetics of your smile. It is also biocompatible and very durable. Tooth-colour composite resin fillings or porcelain are the materials of choice our Dentists would choose for their own mouths …so preferentially placed for our patients.

One of the techniques to restore a damaged tooth is the realization of a porcelain inlay/on lay. To do this, a cavity is first prepared in the tooth, eliminating all the decay it may be present. Next, an impression of the preparation is taken, on which the inlay/on lay will be made using different materials. This inlay/on lay is polished and the contact points checked. Once the inlay/on lay is done, the adjustment is checked in the mouth and the occlusion is checked releasing any excessive contact on it. The cavity and the inlay/on lay are then prepared with the corresponding adhesive and polymerized to adhere it to the tooth. Finally, the contact points are checked and the surface polished.

Other common reasons for needing a filling or restoration, tooth wear or abrasion

  • Abfraction is a loss of tooth structure, usually due to continued trauma to the teeth caused by excessive force on them due to a bad occlusion. When tension zones are generated, microfractures are produced, which can cause the loss of enamel, dentin, and cementum.
  • Abrasion is a loss of tooth structure due to the contact of the teeth with abrasive elements, such as by using a toothbrush that is too hard or brushing too aggressive.
  • Attrition is a type of tooth wear caused by contact between teeth. This process occurs frequently in patients with bruxism or teeth grinding.
  • Erosion is the destruction of the tooth surface caused by external elements, usually chemicals and/or acids, such as those contained in carbonated beverages. An excessive consumption of them can cause the loss of enamel.
  • Root resorptions are defects in a tooth that can affect the enamel, dentin, cementum, and pulp, usually caused by trauma, orthodontic treatment, cysts, impacted teeth, systemic, idiopathic, or genetic diseases. Resorptions can be external or internal.